About LukuCentrum
General information about the companyOÜ LUKUPOOD was founded in January 1996 in Tartu and operated until April 1, 2006 in the shopping yard of Pika Street. On the same date, the company's new store-salon was opened at Narva mnt 27B in Tartu, which is one of the largest retail stores in the Baltics. |
Contacts:OÜ LUKUPOOD |
Locations of our stores
Here you can find the contact details of our stores
Peterburi tee 34/1
Tallinna store
Peterburi tee 34/1, 11415 Tallinn
Email: tallinn@lukupood.ee (general information)
(please do not send promotional emails to this email)
Email: tellimus@lukupood.ee
(merchandise orders only)
Phone: (+372) 641 4114
Mobile: (+372) 5858 2240
Lock service: (+372) 5858 2244
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9-18
Narva mnt 27b
Tartu store
Narva mnt 27b, 51009 Tartu
Email: tartu@lukupood.ee (general information)
(please do not send promotional emails to this email)
Email: tellimus@lukupood.ee
(merchandise orders only)
Mobile: (+372) 5858 7663
24/7 lock service in Tartu and Southern Estonia 1
(+372) 5858 2241
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9-18, Sat 11-15
Seminari 3
Rakvere store
Seminari 3, 44316 Rakvere
Email: rakvere@lukupood.ee (general information)
Email: tellimus@lukupood.ee
(merchandise orders only)
Mobile: (+372) 5858 6337
Bank details for service prepayment:
Recipient: Lukupood OÜ
Details of payment: Lock assistance service and address
Recipient: Lukupood OÜ
Details of payment: Lock assistance service and address
Recipient: Lukupood OÜ
Details of payment: Lock assistance service and address